I've come to the conclusion that there's something about Northern Ireland and (London)Derry in general. I'm not sure if this 'something' is good or bad, but something is there. One minute this city takes my breath away with the scenery and the views and the ability to try to rebuild after all of the Troubles, but the next it makes me stop and think about how this city was a war-zone controlled by paramilitaries and tanks and how religion has drawn such divide between the Protestants and the Catholics. I feel happiness to hear stories of people who have been able to move on despite the horrible things that happened to them, but at the same time I have no idea how they aren't more messed up because of what happened to them. To literally walk from my house in the Catholic side under a bridge to get to the Fountain (a Protestant/Loyalist section of the city) and it feels like I am on a completely different Continent.
It's definitely an interesting feeling. I'm still trying to figure it all out in my head.
But on a different note, I got to spend the majority of my day in the Bogside.
My day started with a tour of the Bogside Artist Murals (they're kinda of a big deal. Seriously, Google them/creep on my Facebook/look at them somewhere. They are so well painted and awesome.) We were lead around the tour by Tom Kelly, one of the artists (there is three of them).
I mean, I've seen the Murals before in person (walking home from my service placement), but I get chills every time I see them. The artwork...it's more than just a picture. It tells a story of what happened in the town, the history of what happened on that street. It's chilling to hear the stories of a little girl who had her head blown off on her way home, or the artists friend who had his torso blown up and reached out to him as the life left his body. And then you realize you're standing on the same spot that it happened.
It kinda puts things in perspective, huh?
I ended up getting a hair cut at Sweeny Todd's today. That was cool. (Not important in the slightest, just a fun fact).
We ended up going to the Derry City v. Limerick game to celebrate En'Ante's birthday. First European football (soccer for all my American friends) game! It was so cool!
The stadium was kind of sketchy (hello barbed wire atop the walls) and kind of reminded me of the Wolverina (throwback to high school football for all my Pittsburgh followers). But the atmosphere was so much better! The crowd was cheering the whole entire game (drums included). It was like being back at a high school football game with an obnoxious student section. The energy was phenomenal! I can definitely now see why football (soccer) is such a big sport here.
Today was just overall a great day in the Bogside.
Mural of Peace/Civil Rights leaders |
Peace Mural |
Hunger Strike Mural-first one ever defaced |
The Rioter mural |
Civil Rights mural |
The Runner Mural |
The Motorman Mural |
Bloody Sunday Mural |
Petrol Bomber Mural |
One of my favorite pictures of the day |
Bernadette Devlin Mural |
The Death of Innocence Mural |
Bloody Sunday Memorial Mural |
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